Supervision aND COACHING



Arthur is a recognized supervisor in the WKO's pool of experts (SV-training with Dr. Gunther Schmidt, Heidelberg).

With professional guidance and the use of various methods, professional situations and concerns are reflected upon and appropriate options for action are developed. Supervision offers...

▪ Strengthening and expanding personal skills
▪ Finding hidden resources
▪ Help for self-help, change of perspective
▪ Aid in reflecting on current issues
▪ Assistance in overcoming new challenges
▪ Preparation of new tasks and assignments
▪ Prevention of burnout and bullying
▪ Support in change processes

In supervision settings, not only the individual but also the environment (i.e. the entire system) is considered, regardless of whether a situation is being discussed in team or individual supervision.


Coaching is a special form of supervision and focuses on personal and professional competence, and especially on social competence for team leaders. Coaching is mostly aimed at managers and those in positions of responsibility who want to optimize their performance and at the same time want to maintain a healthy work-life-balance. In practice, coaching and supervision often overlap, as the methodical approach of both is solution-oriented.